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1999 Nissan Sentra GXE 4dr Sedan Manual

1999 Nissan Sentra
Trim Info:
Front Wheel Drive, 4 Door Sedan, Subcompact
29 mpg city / 39 mpg hwy
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July 13, 2010, 12:05 pm

Lauren G

Question: Lost "key" part of smartkey

During the winter cold the smartkey was not detected by the car and we needed to constantly pull the actual key out of the fob to drive. One night, my teen son lost this key portion but not the outside fob. That now leaves us with one working key. Can we go ahead and purchase the uncut inside key portion from one of the online sites and just have the cuts made to match the other inside key we still have? Does this need to be done at the dealership or can we just take it to Ace hardware using our other key as the model? Since we still have both outside fobs, do all the keys need to be reprogrammed or will the original programming still be intact when we get the inside key replaced? Thank you

October 9, 2012, 6:08 am


Yes, it can be done.

I am not very clear on "constantly pull the actual key out of the fob to drive" part. For my 2006 Sentra, I have a fob and a key, fob is used to unlock the car and key for ignition. I do not pull actual key. I don't know whats inside the fob but presume, some kind of chip.

I am in the process of getting a backup fob.

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